门登霍尔冰川观光 - 令人难以置信的门登霍尔冰川是朱诺最容易到达的冰川之一。朱诺巡游套餐通常包括了参观冰川的行程。
探索朱诺冰原 -作为西半球最大的冰原之一,朱诺冰原拥有许多冰川,包括上述门登霍尔冰川和仍在推进的塔库冰川。飙升的山峰,裂开的冰缝,风景秀丽的山谷和蜿蜒的峡湾为这个狂野而崎岖的地貌增添了一道亮丽的风景线。
参观阿拉斯加州立博物馆 - 如果您对国家历史,文化和自然感兴趣,那么阿拉斯加州立博物馆则是您必去的地方。这里有一些与阿拉斯加相关的最广泛和最全面的展示和展览。
在阿拉斯加酿酒公司品尝本地啤酒 -徒步旅行或探索是度过漫长一天的完美方式,朱诺巡游之余,参观阿拉斯加酿酒公司也是一个很好的选择。
朱诺 冒险巡航 客户评论
- 9.5 优秀
- 9.6 优秀
- Monte I
The hustle and bustle was crazy! I loved it and all the shopping, eating, people watching and more.
巡游 朱诺 在 八月 上 Alaskan Dream
- 10.0 优秀
Juneau and Mendenhall Glacier were beautiful.
巡游 朱诺 在 五月 上 Discovery
- 7.6 好
- Edward M
No organized excursions per se. We did connect with a local guest to go to St Therese’s cathedral, Mendenhall Glacier and hiked to Nugget Falls. All really nice.
巡游 朱诺 在 九月 上 Alaskan Dream
- 9.2 高超
- William G
There are great things to see in and around Juneau. Cope Park is beautiful. We loved the old buildings and the museums. We were fortunate to have the proliferation of suggestions from a former resident. Some great restaurants. However, the presence and effect of the "Big Ship" cruises overwhelms the waterfront. The Mendenhall Glacier and Nugget Falls are a great excursion. Take the local bus for $2 each way, walk 1.5 miles and enjoy a fabulous outing.
巡游 朱诺 在 八月 上 Alaskan Dream
- 9.2 高超
- Janet L
We went on our own to the State Museum, which was excellent. It might have been nice to offer an excursion to the glacier for those getting off the boat, not just to those boarding.
巡游 朱诺 在 八月 上 Alaskan Dream
- 10.0 优秀
- Carol M
Nice ride from the dock but Juneau itself was too crowded with big ship loads of people for me. I walked around a little but went back to the hospitality room until my shuttle took me to the motel.
巡游 朱诺 在 八月 上 Alaskan Dream
- 10.0 优秀
- Lawrence N
Great. We especially enjoyed the Heritage Store and Museum.
巡游 朱诺 在 八月 上 Admiralty Dream
- 10.0 优秀
- Gary M
Our boat left and returned from Juneau but we did not have any excursions with the provider.
巡游 朱诺 在 六月 上 Catalyst
- 9.6 优秀
- Susan M
The museum was incredible!
巡游 朱诺 在 六月 上 Admiralty Dream
- 9.6 优秀
- Judy K
Mendenhall Glacier a must. Museum was excellent-loved that they let clans use ceremonial objects. They are, after all, theirs
巡游 朱诺 在 五月 上 Alaskan Dream