Tauchsafaris in West Caicos
Bei einer Tauchsafari zu West Caicos in den Turks und Caicos besucht man eine unbewohnte, malerische Insel die etwa 16 km südwestlich von Provo liegt und 25 verschiedene Tauchplätze beherbergt. Farbenfrohe Korallen und verschiedene Schwämme wachsen an den Steilwänden die regelmäßig von Schwarzspitzen-Riffhaien, Adlerrochen, Barrakudas, Schildkröten und sogar Manta-Rochen besucht werden. Es gibt viele Tauchplätze von denen man wählen kann, die alle etwas besonderes auf Lager haben.
West Caicos Tauch-Bewertungen
- 9,1 Hervorragend
- 10,0 Exzellent
- Larry B
Challenging and very different
Tauchen West Caicos in März auf Turks and Caicos Aggressor II
- 8,4 Sehr Gut
- jurek H
Good. Unfortunately it was windy so many dive site were off limit
Tauchen West Caicos in März auf Turks and Caicos Aggressor II
- 9,6 Exzellent
- katrina P
Wall dives, easy access from the boat
Tauchen West Caicos in Januar auf Turks and Caicos Aggressor II
- 7,6 Gut
- Sandra S
Nice walls. Rays in sand. Amphitheater, Spanish Anchor and Thunder Dome were nice sites.
Tauchen West Caicos in Dezember auf Turks and Caicos Explorer
- 10,0 Exzellent
Great sites, good visibility, diverse marine life
Tauchen West Caicos in September auf Turks and Caicos Aggressor II
- 10,0 Exzellent
- Charles C
The diving in West Caicos varies from outstanding to average. Due to weather, we probably visited every possible site, including multiple visits to several sites. Of the sites visited, the Dome, the Spanish Anchor and the Gullies were the best. All of the sites offer wall diving. Some of the other reefs bore scars from prior storms -- lots of sand on the coral -- which resulted in less aquatic life than in other places I have visited. That being said, there is still a lot of beautiful things to see there and the staff, particularly Rachel and Cyrill, were very good at finding plenty of great things to see. If you like sharks, turtles and rays, you will be happy here, We also saw a humpback whale from a distance.
Tauchen West Caicos in März auf Turks and Caicos Aggressor II
- 10,0 Exzellent
- Robert N
Excellent, lots of sealife.
Tauchen West Caicos in März auf Turks and Caicos Aggressor II
- 8,4 Sehr Gut
- Giancarlo D
Saw first turtle and he wanted to stay and show off s little
Tauchen West Caicos in Mai auf Turks and Caicos Explorer
- 6,4 Bewertung
- jurek H
Very nice, lots of soft corals, black corals. Night dive boring.
Tauchen West Caicos in Mai auf Turks and Caicos Explorer
- 8,4 Sehr Gut
Fantastic, scuba with dolphins was an amazing experience.
Tauchen West Caicos in Dezember auf Turks and Caicos Explorer
Zeige alle Tauchsafaris von $3.193 bis $5.093 pro Reise