
Gaia Love Tauchsafari, Indonesien

  • Rating 9,7 out of 10 9,7 Exzellent
    • Internet
    • Nitrox erhältlich
  • ab $ 539 / Tag
  • Jetzt Buchen

“Die gesamte Crew auf der Gaia Love war unglaublich nett, aufmerksam und kümmerte sich um jedes Detail, um sicherzustellen, dass je…”

Richard S, Flagge von USA USA


  • Spülbecken für Kamerazubehör und Ausrüstung
  • Nitrox an Bord verfügbar

Die wunderschöne Gaia Love bietet das ganze Jahr über Luxus Tauchsafaris in Indonesien an. Die 40 Meter lange Yacht erreicht eine Gästekapazität von 22 Tauchern. Die 11 geräumigen Kabinen haben ein privates En Suite Badezimmer, ausreichend Stauraum, individuell regulierbare Klimaanlagen und erreichen alle eine Fläche von etwa 20 Quadratmeter. Die Kabinen auf dem oberen Deck sind zudem mit einem groβen Fenster und privaten Balkonen ausgestattet. Die Gaia Love besteht aus 4 Decks und besticht mit einem modernen Design. Zu den Gemeinschaftsräumen zählen ein Innenraum und ein Speiseraum, eine Outdoor Lounge und ein Auβenessbereich, ein weit ausladenes, teils überdachtes Sonnendeck und eine Al-Fresco Bar.

Abfahrtstag auswählen


Inklusive: MwSt., Flughafentransfer, Hoteltransfer, Erfrischungsgetränke, Tee & Kaffee, Trinkwasser, Snacks, Vollpension (alle Mahlzeiten), Tauchpakete, Kajaks, Landausflüge, Schnorchel Führer, Stand Up Paddleboard, Handtücher zur Nutzung an Deck, Kabinenhandtücher, kostenlose Toilettenartikel.

Erforderliche Extras: Nationalpark Gebühren (35 USD pro Tag), Treibstoffzuschlag (20 USD pro Tag).

Optionale Extras: Tauchversicherung (40-50 USD pro Trip), Trinkgelder, Visa und Gebühren, Regionale Flüge, alkoholische Getränke, Leihausrüstung, Nitrox (240,000 IDR pro Tag), Nitrox Kurs, Privater Tauchguide, Tauchkurse, Wäsche/Bügelservice (24,000 IDR pro Stück), WLAN, Massage (560,000 IDR pro Aktivität).

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* Extra Gebühren werden pro Person aufgeführt

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Gaia Love Bewertungen

  • Rating 9,7 out of 10
  • 9,7 Exzellent
  1. Schiff
  2. Bootsbesatzung
  3. Essen
  4. Tauchen
  5. Wert
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 Exzellent
  • Angelika B
  • Flagge von Österreich Österreich

Tauchsafari der Superlative

Die gesamte Reise war ein einziges Highlight - von der Abholung im Hotel über die unvergesslichen Taucherlebnisse (Raja Ampat ist sicher eine der besten Tauchgegenden der Welt) bis hin zu Gourmetküche (inklusive Eingehen auf jeden Sonderwunsch) und vieler unerwarteter individueller Serviceleistungen (zB Maschinenwäsche und Trocknen der mitgebrachten Wetsuits) alles großartig, Luxus, 100%ige Weiterempfehlung

Empfohlen für
Tauchgebiet (traumhaftes Raja Ampat, unvergessliche Taucherlebnisse), Tauchboot (luxuriöse Kabinen, Gourmetküche, geräumig, modernes Design), Crew (super nett und bemüht, kompetent, liebenswürdig)
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 Exzellent
  • Karina Q
  • Flagge von USA USA

Best liveaboard I've been on - top tier service, safety and quality - truly the four seasons of liveaboards!

4 dives a day, including some really beautiful and epic dives with tons of mantas, sharks, huge schools of fish, and super healthy corals that remind me of like the Great Barrier Reef or Sipadan 10 years ago! So happy to see thriving reefs and marine life still! Some of the dive sites were some of the best in my 200-300+ dive career!~ AMAZING service. Really did not need to lift a finger most of the time, though I also liked to be able to do my own stuff sometimes haha and not be completely helpless. They will help you zip up your wetsuit, have your wet wetsuits + rash guard folded and dried for every dive, and all your equipment in a specific cubby with a water basin for your camera and stuff below. They will carry your BCD and your tank for you, put your fins on for you, one time they had a fresh coconut to drink after a land excursion, hot chocolate after night dives (or in my case, tea since I preferred that!), etc. Basically 5 star service! High integrity operation. Paid for the internet and it didn't work half of the time (they spent a lot of time adjusting the satellite on the trip and found a new location halfway through that had MUCH better service), and they didn't charge me for it at all on the bill - I didn't even need to mention it. They clearly care about quality customer service and pride themselves on maintaining a high standard, which I highly respect and is just so comforting when most tourist outfits (diving or not) don't have the same integrity and standards. This is why they have so many repeat customers (I dove with a couple who were on their 3rd trip on the boat and I plan on pretty much exclusively ocean diving on Gaia Love in the future because I don't think I can stay on another boat after this lol...) Safety first! There were beginners on the boat, and I personally hadn't done heavy ocean diving in a year or so, as it was my first liveaboard in 5 years after taking a break from diving due to frustration with previous liveaboards. They took great care of me especially when I had a panic attack during a massive downcurrent... (was very scary but they were extremely on top of it in a way that made me feel just super safe and confident in their competence!) On my trip, the crew-to-guest ratio was 2:1 and the ratio of dive guides to divers is 1:3, which was AMAZING for quality of experience. Bed was also amazing and food was the best food I've had on a dive boat hands down... they made extra effort to accommodate a vegan on board as well and some of their vegan dishes I even ate and were top tier! tldr; HIGHLY recommend. worth the money and peace of mind and comfort 100%!

Empfohlen für
service (helped me adjust my mask bc have lots of hair, put my fins on for me, etc.), safety (ensured i was safe even when strong down current), and quality (food and living quarter quality is like a five star hotel!)
  • Rating 9,6 out of 10
  • 9,6 Exzellent
  • Jacqueline D
  • Flagge von USA USA

Top knotch Boat and Crew

Cruising with the strong currents and Mantas was a thrill, especially the ShotGun dive! Never ending morning lattes and my special Bali Coffee. Staff help with preparing for dives and their applause upon our return.

Empfohlen für
the comraderie of international divers, lovely Manta rays, Land excursions

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  • Josue Zarco
  • Laura Babahekian
  • Juliane Ball
  • Mylene Issartial
  • Andrea Martinez
  • Ester Canali