
Theia Crucero de buceo, Maldivas

  • Rating 9,3 out of 10 9,3 Magnífico
    • Internet Gratis
    • Nitrox gratis
  • desde $ 239 / día
  • Reserve Ahora

“La experiencia de vida a bordo es excelente.”

Adrian V, Bandera de Malta Malta

Aspectos destacados

  • Relájate y descansa en el 'Sky Bar'
  • Buceo desde el cómodo Dive Dhoni

El crucero vida a bordo MV Theia Maldivas es un hermoso buque de lujo de 32m, diseñado para explorar el impresionante mundo submarino de las Maldivas. MV Theia tiene 10 cabañas climatizadas, decoradas con gusto, con baño privado. MV Theia puede hospedar hasta 20 personas, lo que garantiza una estancia confortable.

Escoja su fecha de salida


Incluido: IVA, Propinas, Recargo de combustible, Tasa ambiental, Traslado al aeropuerto, Agua para beber, Bebidas no alcohólicas en las comidas, Cocteles de bienvenida, Té y café, Cena especial, Plan de pensión completa de alimentación (todas las comidas), Refrigerios, Nitrox, Paquete de buceo, Excursiones en tierra, Kayaks, Stand Up Paddleboard, Artículos de aseo de cortesía, Internet WiFi, Toallas de cabina, Toallas para la plataforma.

Extras Obligatorios: Seguro de buceo (30-40 USD).

Extras Opcionales: Bebidas alcohólicas, Bebidas no alcohólicas, Alquiler de equipo, Curso de Nitrox (190 USD), Cursos de buceo (300-400 USD), Guía privado de buceo (65 USD por día), Servicio de lavandería / planchado, Masaje (80 USD por actividad).

Reserve ahora, pague después: Puede hacer su reserva en línea con facilidad. Guardaremos sus espacios para que más tarde pueda confirmar con el pago.

* Las tarifas adicionales se muestran por persona y están sujetas a cambios.

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  1. Pagos con Visa
  2. Pagos MasterCard
  3. Pagos con Paypal
  4. Pagos con American Express
  5. Pagos con Apple Pay
Mejor precio garantizado

Diseño y Planos de la Embarcación


Tipos de Cabina

Theia Reseñas

  • Rating 9,3 out of 10
  • 9,3 Magnífico
  1. Embarcación
  2. Tripulacion
  3. Comida
  4. Buceo
  5. Valor
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 Excepcional
  • John S
  • Bandera de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos

Fantastic liveaboard trip in Maldives

We dove with a small group even with 15 passangers aboard, Lamont is a skilled dive master and she did a great job instructing us to gain our advanced open water certificate. The entire staff was friendly, the variety of food was great. Simone gave 2 interesting presentations about shark identification and Manta Rays. So when we spotted each creature underwater, those facts made the dive that much better.

Recomendado para
Outstanding service, variety of marine life, and professional guides
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 Excepcional
  • Lennay C
  • Bandera de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos

Lovely Holiday on the Theia

Accommodations: This boat was ROOMY. Lots of space to hang out, read, drink wine, access wifi. Meals were taken at 2 large tables. Speaking of - meals were Delicious! The food was really good and there were 3 meals/day, occasional post-dive snacks, and cookies available anytime. Diving - I’m a newer diver, so to me the diving was spectacular. Over the course of the week we saw dozens of mantas, schools of nurse sharks, a ton of morays and a handful of sea turtles. There were also some black velvet snails and too many fish to mention. Also worth noting we saw a guitar fish, a leaf fish, and some boxing shrimp. Staff - our dive master was kind and patient, which I appreciated as a less-experienced diver. The staff on the ship were also very kind and accommodating and made the whole experience very comfortable. Most of the divers / staff were French-speaking, but they translated everything to English for us which was much appreciated!

Recomendado para
Comfortable accommodations, great diving, excellent staff
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 Excepcional
  • Trent H
  • Bandera de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos


Fabulous trip to one of the most beautiful places in the world! The diving was beyond compare, the crew of the Theia did everything possible to meet the needs' of their guests, and the scenery both topside and underwater were like a fantasy come to life. If you're considering Theia, do it, you won't be sorry.

Recomendado para
The crew, the guests and the DIVING

Estamos aquí para ayudarlo, 24/7.

Contacte a nuestros consultores expertos en viaje cuando esté planeando un viaje.

  • Andrea Martinez
  • Laura Babahekian
  • Mylene Issartial
  • Ester Canali
  • Nicole Laughlin
  • Oksana Kovaleva
  • Juliane Ball